JBS conducts its business ethically, with integrity.
Always do it Right.
At JBS, ethics and compliance are looked on as assets. Since 2017, the Company has had a global directorate that deals with the issue of Compliance independently, reporting directly to the Board of Directors. The year 2020 was an important one for reiterating the commitment of senior management to the continuous improvement and effectiveness of the processes implemented.

Code of Conduct and Policies
The Code of Conduct and Ethics provides guidance for employees so that they can behave in accordance with the Company’s dictates in every situation, indicating which conduct and behavior is acceptable and demanded by JBS.
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Compliance program
JBS, seeking to operate in an ethical, legal and responsible manner, has undertaken several commitments to its shareholders, stakeholders and society in general.
Find out moreEthics Line
The JBS Ethics Line serves South America, while the JBS Ethics Point receives complaints about the company’s other operations. These channels are available in 17 languages and operate on a 24/7 basis.
Find out moreReports
Protecting food from contamination by agents that are likely to occur in the production chain.
Find out moreCompliance Program
Appointment of Marcelo Proença as Global Compliance Officer
Launch of the Compliance Program called 'Always Do What’s Right’
Creation of seven Ethics Committees, one of them institutional, and six for each business unit in Brazil
On April 25, 2018, JBS became a signatory to The Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption of the Instituto Ethos
Consulting company Deloitte retained to install a software for automating due diligence of third parties.
2019Expansion of the due diligence methodology to JBS USA.
Approval from the Board of Directors for a new Global Code of Conduct and Ethics and a Business Partners Code.
2020Launch of the revitalized Code of Conduct and Ethics and Business Partners Code.
Launch of the outsourced Whistleblower/Complaints Channel
2019Launch of the Ethics Line campaign
2021Approaching strategic internal stakeholders about internal investigations
Upgrading of Compliance Risk Assessment
2021Upgrading of Risk Mapping with around 45 leaders.
Participation in audits for implementing best compliance practices, undertaken by an independent company, with 97% of compliance.
Setting up of 12 controls for detecting and preventing sensitive situations.
Undertaking a Conflict of Interests Survey
Undertaking a Conflict of Interests Survey for coordinators
Training and Communication
Launch of training about the Code of Conduct and Ethics for JBS USA
Holding in-person training sessions for executives
Holding training sessions about the Code of Conduct and Ethics for the Company’s administrative and operations personnel, with more than 105,000 team members having participated.
Holding training sessions about Anticorruption Practices for 16,000 team members
Running a training cycle about the Code of Conduct and Ethics 2019
Joint organization with the J&F Group of the 1 st Compliance Briefing at the Company’s head office in SP.
Running the training cycle about the Code of Conduct and Ethics 2020, including Conflict of Interest and Antitrust content.
Training about the Business Partners Code of Conduct for Livestock Farmers and Integrated Producers.
Running a training cycle about the Code of Conduct and Ethics 2021.
Holding anticorruption training.
Holding of training sessions about Moral Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Discrimination.
Briefing for leaders about how to deal with issues ranging from antitrust to labor relations.